Look at the bright side

I posted this on sparkpeople, thought I would re-post it here.

I ran this morning, but I didn't enjoy it. I hate running the morning. I'm also SO low energy because of lack of food and water. I frequently wake up in the morning lightheaded. This morning was especially bad. I ran into the door frame on my way into the bathroom because I started to lose my balance, and then proceeded to close the door on myself. Ugh. I ate half a banana and drank a bottle of water and headed out. I was shooting for 6 miles (as was scheduled in my training). I would have been happy with 5. I quit after 4.2 (which took me 45 minutes). I think if I was with someone I could have maybe powered through, but I psyched myself out. Plus, my legs were tired, I was sweating like mad (it's humid) and just never found my breathing rhythm.

On a positive note: I can't believe I was frustrated because I could ONLY go 4. Wow. It used to be I couldn't run at all. Then frustrated when I would run ONLY 1. Then ONLY 2. You get the point. My bad runs are still good. I mean, I ran 4 miles this morning! It was slow, I had to stop and drink water a couple times, but damn it, I did it!!


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