Just because
I have no milestones or accomplishments to celebrate, but I thought I'd blog about my long weekend! I had Friday and Monday off because I had to use the rest of my vacation days before they are reset on July 1. Friday I chilled at home a little while, picked Jeff up for lunch (which has literally happened 2x in 4 years since we work so far apart), did some shopping which included buying some jeans that don't give me saggy butt and then headed to Lansing to hang with Stacy. We went to this yummy Mexican restaurant and then to Festival of the Moon in Old Town. It wasn't terribly excited, but we did get souvenier glasses and Bell's Beer. And a sweet grill stamp on our hands. Then we went to this random pizza/coffee shop/karaoke bar, but sadly, we came in on the tail end of the festivities and I couldn't sing. I am so glad I got to hang out with Stacy - we laid on couches in her apartment and just talked, and it reminded me of all of those late nights in college when we talked about everything and nothing until one or both of us couldn't keep our eyes open any longer.

Saturday morning, Stacy and I went to this cute little coffee shop for breakfast and sat outside and talked some more. Until I realized that it was getting close to noon and I told Jeff I'd be home in time for us to head to Saugatuck for lunch. So, I got back home, picked up Jeff and we headed west. Saugutuck is cool enough, I guess, but we both agree that it's not all it's cracked up to be. Everyone touts it as this super artsy community and I just don't see it. I mean, there are cute gift shops and a couple galleries, but they're not all that impressive. But we did eat at this good place called Phil's. Next stop was to the Saugutuck Brewery to check another one off our list. Their full list is about 15 beers, but they only had I think 6 on tap. The ones we tried were pretty tasty. The place was lacking a little in ambience, but it's new and I think trying to develop it's character. But it was really great spending the afternoon with Jeff - we always have a good time when we go on our afternoon trips. After a yummy healthy dinner on the grill, we decided to splurge on go on only our second trip to the local ice cream establishment, Housemans, for a couple cones. Mmmm....chocolate ice cream....
Sunday was a lazy day. Watched some TV and a sad movie (Seven Pounds), and I finally used the purse pattern Jess gave me in November and made this super cute handbag!!
Monday was doctors appointments. Since the only people I've told about this blog know that we're trying to conceive, I feel like I can divulge that my OB (who I REALLY like - this is the first time seeing her) has suggested that I go on Clomid, which is a hormone that stimulates the production of estrogen thereby stimulating ovulation. I'm nervous. It's supposed to make you feel pretty yucky. She's only give me 2 refills and I will go meet with her at the end of August. I have mixed feelings, but this seems to be the least invasive non-homeopathic "solution" for infertility. And apparently doctors can prescribe different doses and she is putting me on a low dose. So, whenever it is I get my period, I'll start the first round.
After the dreaded annual, I decided I deserved a pedicure - which I had yet to do after my victorious 10K. Does anyone else wonder if the ladies that are doing your nails are talking about you when they carry on conversations in a different language? I know, that sounds bad. But I wonder what they're saying and if any of the conversation pertains to me! I came home, made some lunch and decided I needed to do some baking and made ginger snaps. And while baking, I decided I needed homemade macaroni and cheese, so I made that as well and we had it for dinner - and I have enough left for lunch!!
:) i <3 you!