So many changes

Since my last post in August, there have been many changes. And in light of it being a new year with resolutions of living in the present, finding joy and having faith, I'm going to give you the VERY abridged version.

In July I was offered a job - a promotion - at Case Western Reserve University. True to form, Jeff and I went all in. He got a job, we bought a house, we totally moved our lives to Cleveland.

The job was not awesome. I never had a chance to totally find my groove - I expected it to be challenging, but I didn't expect to it to be such a bad fit. I'm choosing not to bad mouth my boss or the institution. But when given the opportunity to leave, I took it.

I never truly had a sense of community in Grand Rapids, like at all. And I don't have that yet here, either. But Jeff and I really feel like we were called here for some reason and maybe that reason just hasn't surfaced yet.

I'm nervous about the future. We bought a house because I earned a significant pay increase. And now that's gone and I'm trying not to freak out. But the crazy thing is, when I put that fear aside, I'm happier now than I have been in a long time.

I've been desperate for a vacation because I've needed a break to clear my head. Now that I have it, turns out it's doing some good.

So what's next? Who knows! I'm applying for jobs in my field in the area. They will be steps down from this path of upward mobility that I was on, and I'm choosing to be ok with that. I'm also allowing myself to dream about things that I've always dreamed about doing - with maybe an opportunity to act on them. I'm spending more time with my kids. And I'm working on being grateful for things small and large.


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