Dinners: week of February 2

Last week I changed up some of my meals.  I decided to scrap the Chicken casserole...too many steps.  Broccoli and Chicken stirfry was much easier to make.  I made a fairly close to the recipe version of these quinoa patties.  They were really tasty!  I put them in pitas with lettuce and tzatziki. 

Anyways, this weekend we went shopping and spent a lot of money.  We needed a lot after skimping on a couple shopping trips.  Jeff said we're going to approach grocery shopping like old people: do the big "staples" shopping at the first of the month and then live on the cheap for the rest of the month, buying only the necessities.  I didn't do any meal planning so now I'm putting together our menu based on what I guessed I might need/want at the store.

I'll also be using some leftover quinoa to make Apple Cinnamon Quinoa bites (with probably some shredded carrots).  Some of the kale will also be added to our morning smoothies (which we all, Graham included, have been enjoying drinking).


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