Finding Calm

I really will post some pictures of the new house and of my TWO YEAR OLD little boy!!!

But for now I'm trying to refocus, capture some calm, and power through the work at home and in my office that has yet to be done.  Jeff bought me a book, 1001 Pearls of Yoga Wisdom, for Christmas.  It's just kind of a fun little book with information about poses, quotes from authors, and of course, yogic concepts.  Although I would love to read some real books on yoga, right now I'm pretty much incapable of reading anything that requires serious focus. 

And so, since the book is at work, I will be posting "pearls" either on my blog or on Facebook (or both), as a reminder to not only my self to live more gracefully and intentionally, but maybe as motivation/inspiration for others. 

I just cleaned out my files and off my desk.  In that spirit, here is today's pearl:
"Potter about.  Enjoy some unfocused time as you tidy your desk or drawer, and respect any impulses that surface as you do this.  Yogis view these impulses as opportunities for inner illumination."


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