Meeting Aunt Erin

Yesterday Marsha, Harold and Erin came up so that Erin could meet Graham.  She was so excited!!!  Of course, Marsha and Harold were thrilled to see him again and couldn't believe how big he had gotten.  We went out to lunch  at the Green Well, which was delightful, and then we wandered around East Hills for a few minutes (and I got sunburned - ridiculous!).  Graham and I will definitely be going back to East Hills for lunch and for some exploring in the shops...I'm going to use some of this maternity leave to get to know my city better.  But I digress...after lunch we came back home to relax and hang out with Graham.  He slept quite a bit (as did Harold and Erin, but not me - so I'm tired today), which was good for me and Jeff, but I think a little disappointing for Erin, Marsha and Harold.  I made a delightful dinner of steak (grilled by Jeff) and arugula salad with candied walnuts, goat cheese and caramelized onions.  Then a coconut-lime-berry cake for dessert.  We took a couple walks around the neighborhood to wear Cooper and Graham out....Cooper is VERY sleepy today.  Marsha brought some photo albums up of Jeff as a baby - Graham is definitely a mix of both of us - at times he looks a lot like Jeff, but he makes this little face sometimes that is definitely me (I have a baby photo making the same face).  It will be fun to see who he looks like as he gets older.  Of course, we also took some photos:

Tired out after a long day (look at my baby's big belly)

He's gradually meeting all the family members.  I can not WAIT for him to meet Grandpa Doug...June will be here soon, and my mom and dad will be up to visit.  And of course he still needs to meet Uncle Nate, but that will be more fun when Graham is a little older.  Aunt Char and Aunt Judy are coming up next week, most likely.  He also gets to meet mommy's office on Tuesday.


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