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What is your WHY? I love this idea of figuring out why we do what we do. And I've had this general sense of why I exercise, why I work hard, why I read books about becoming a better person and a better professional. I recently realized that my WHY is STRENGTH. Being strong is this overarching concept in my life right now. Strong physically so I can keep up, feel good, be agile, live a long time. Never feel the way I did when I broke my back. So I won't be weak or feeble as I age.  Strong emotionally so I can keep up with the challenges that my boys keep throwing at me. So I can overcome professional hurdles.  Strong mentally so again I can live a long and productive life. So I won't fall victim to debilitating dementia that has claimed so many in my family. I'm a work in progress. Some days when I exercise I don't feel like I can get through. I cringe. I strain. I pause. But I never quit. I still struggle with the emotional strength. I kn...

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