Silver Bells

As per usual, I have managed to ALMOST find my way out of my funk.  My poor little buddy seems to be on the mend, and even though I still have work to do, my diligence and late nights over the last week or so have put me in a good place.  So when I had to stay home with Graham today, I took it as a chance to just enjoy my little cutie pie (and take him to the doctor and get him some antibiotic butt cream).  We also went to Target and I found the LAST little three foot pre-lit fake tree - which was also on sale!  I did not however find snow boots for Graham.  3 stores and no size 7/8 toddler snow boots.  Ridiculous!

I also slapped together a Christmas card.  It's not the best photo (we took it this weekend), but it will work.  My son looks adorable, as always, and that's what really matters.  I've come to realize that I hate my hair because it's not as curly as it was before Graham was born and it looks ridiculous right now.  Time to chop chop!

Tomorrow, perhaps Graham and I will put up some more decorations!


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