I feel like there have been a lot of things to post, but I don't really know what they are! Work has been CRAZY busy, between training the newbies, reinventing a program at work, scheduling travel, day long meetings, actual travel...whew! It makes me tired just thinking about it. Then there's trying to run again. Which is going well, but some weeks I can squeeze in more runs than others (more about my fitness on a later post). Jeff is also swamped at work, because he works with some slackers AND they are about to roll out a new software system. And then there's Graham baby - which, let's be honest - is the real reason people visit my blog. So let's make this post about him.
Boy, do I love that baby. Seriously, he is so freaking cute! Lately he's really been developing his little personality and he's SO interested in things now. He's super grabby - he wants to hold onto anything and everything he can get his little hands on. He's super interested in food (he's going to get some rice cereal today - we'll dedicate a whole post to his first feeding) and watches us very intently as we all sit at the table. He's become very vocal, when he's happy....when he's NOT happy (like when he needs to but doesn't want to nap, or when you take a toy away from him). He laughs and squeals and makes funny faces. He still can't roll from front to back but he can scoot around in a circle if he's trying to get a toy. He's also sitting up if I prop him up. He can hold himself up with his arms, until he reaches for a toy, at which point he comes tumbling down. He smiles at himself in the mirror, which is hilarious, too.
Here's a little video - he was laughing until he saw Jeff with the camera:
Also, I had my first trip away from Graham - I only cried when I left him at daycare, which was very hard. Jeff did awesome while I was gone, like I knew he would. We got to skype a couple times - I got a couple smiles from Graham which made me happy. We had a little bit of a rough time right when I got home - he was overly tired and didn't want to nurse, which was really upsetting (it will be a sad day when he decides he's done breastfeeding), but he eventually came around and then was back to laughing and smiling at me.
Here are some pictures of my handsome, smart, strong, funny little man:
I love you, daddy! |
The baseball game is losing its appeal |
Jeff can't be bothered to look at the camera |
Just couldn't watch the game any longer |
My big boy outgrowing his car seat (at least with the infant insert) |
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