Hello, third trimester

I think I might be in denial that I am now in my third trimester.  Ah!  I feel like there is SO much left to do.  We have to finish his room, find a daycare, find a pediatrician...oh yeah, and take a birthing class so I can actually have this baby.  We have days filled with excitement and other times when we look at each other with a bit of panic.  I suppose that's normal....

Luckily, I've had such a great pregnancy.  I feel good, I'm very healthy and the baby is healthy, most importantly.  People have mostly stopped treating me like I'm crippled, which was driving me CRAZY (although now that I'm getting bigger, I have a feeling that might start up again).  At my last doctor's appointment, I met another one of the doctors on staff who told me that I was making her job easy; my glucose levels were very low (which means NO gestational diabetes), my blood pressure was low, my weight gain is right where it should be, the baby is moving and I feel good.  I'm now at the point where I go to the doctor every 2 weeks, just to make sure everything is still great.  I have to start doing a "kick count" to make sure the baby is moving at least 10 times a day, which luckily he has been.

We're not quite sure how to prepare Cooper for the baby's impending arrival...the first step is NOT allowing him in bed at 4 am (which has meant me being up at 4 am and not sleeping for about a week in a row).  And perhaps not giving him QUITE as much attention so it doesn't come as such a surprise for him in April.  As you can see here, he's a spoiled dog:


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